Full Lengths:
Claire Went to France
(2w, 3m)Dejected, discouraged and depressed, Jonathon arrives home from work to his miserable little apartment where he lives all alone. ...Well, he lives all alone with his roommates: His dead dog on the couch, his dead grandpa at the table, and his ex-girlfriend locked in the closet
Hamilton Stage RunThe High Water Mark
(2w)It's 1:30 in the morning. Janet was asleep, but now she's not. Because Lily has just barged in. Drunk. Janet wants to go back to bed. Lily wants another drink. So wine is poured, old days are rehashed and new crises emerge in this play about friendship, consequences, and where the hell we all go from here.
Spilling Stuff
and Breaking Things
(2w, 2m)Four school bus drivers, fed up with their jobs take their bus on a riotous Friday night "bus-a-palooza" and are subsequently caught by the upper management of the Silver Sparrow Bus Company. They then must spend Sunday morning dealing with the consequences of their actions and decisions, being forced to confront what they actually value in their jobs, their lives, and each other. More.
(4m)Midnight at the BranchHill Industrial Supply Company. Mike's early. Loudjack's is late. Skipper's sweeping. And Dougan is pissed. All because the promotion to the mythic and lauded position of Corporate Rep. may finally be available...but only tonight. The examination of what they won't do to get it is the center of this dark comedy about ambition, trust, and antique ice machines. Press. More.
The Blairsburg Family Picnic
(1w,2m)Frank, Bill and Peg are three octogenarians living in the same crumbling, rural American town they were born in, and lived all their lives. They're still kicking, just not very high. The three must come to face the decaying state of their community and lives as it becomes apparent their town picnic is, like everything else, not quite what it used to be.
(4m)In a secluded cabin, two brothers grapple with their long conflicted relationship while trying to find a solution to a much more present crisis of their own invention, in this darkly comic play about the dangers inherent in family, revenge and leftovers. More info + Reviews.
The Dangers of Electric Lighting
(5m)In the mid 1880s the world was on the verge of the advent of electricity and the means to spread this new wonder to every household in America belonged to one man, Thomas Alva Edison. But when a young Serbian immigrant named Nikola Tesla comes into the picture, matters get a little more complicated. Set inside Edison’s West Orange Labs, The Dangers of Electric Lighting examines the aspirations and pride that accompany genius, and the darkness on the road to light up the world. More info.
The StrangeDog Eat Dog and Pony Show:
An evening of plays, sketches, monologues, irreverent absurdities, profound social insights, and overall insanity. Fifteen plays that occur in very separate worlds, all blurred together in a perverse blend of lost message, commercialism and dire situations foolishly devoid of their direness. Maplewood Run | NYC Run
The St. Valentine's Day Massacre:
Six terribly romantic plays depicting relationships so dysfunctional, un-healthy, vitriolic and generally worrisome that your current relationship will certainly or look better by comparison. And if you're not currently in a relationship, you'll be thrilled to be all by yourself. More
Attention Span of a Fly:
Six Durationaly Challenged Comedies Includes: Quarrels, Fun-Sized, Lakeside, Right of the Decimal, Dare, and An Introduction to Money.
Five Comic Tragedies (Or Tragic Comedies) Presented in Three Acts Includes: Private Displays of Affection, Pavlov was an Asshole, Lakeside, Ouroboros and Sam Patch. More
Things that Happen in Bars:
A gin soaked, oak topped, dimly lit, whisky ridden, in bottles, on tap, straight up, thrown out, serving early, open late collection of short plays. From opening up through happy hour and all the way to last call, Things that Happen in Bars takes the audience through a day in the life of one American bar. Features 17 shorts plays, including Crocodile Tears, Fauxbituary, Mason-Dixon, Impression #0001 and Bottles, Barrels, and the Slow Crawl toward Last Call. More.
Four plays investigating the ancient struggles of modern man, all focusing on three guys in a living room. Features: Virilia, Room Number One, Dare, and 39 Hemlock. More.
We’ll See Tomorrow:
From suburban kitchen tables to a futuristic funeral parlor, a marine science institute in the middle of the night to a techno-dating service, the void of thought to the chaos of communication, the question is the same...is progress moving us in the right direction?
Written for The New Jersey Science and Engineering Festival, We'll See Tomorrow depicts a variety of people struggling with their place in a world altering and growing faster than any other time in history, trying to discover where responsibility and the human spirit factor on this exponential curve. Features: Home (pts 1 and 2), A Brief Synopsis of the History of All Human Communication, Right of the Decimal, The Road, Platinum Never Die, Autumn in August and We’ll See Tomorrow. More.
The Virilogy:
Spanning a decade in the lives of these men-children, The Virilogy watches as Brian, Stu and Quinn attempt to discover how to be heart broken, how to be a man, how to be a friend, and how to fail miserably at all of the above. From Star Wars to Care Bears, cookbooks to car chases, bridesmaids to basketball, angels to she-devils and back again, the boys of The Virilogy search for something solid to hold on to...and they pray that thing doesn't turn out to be each other. Features: Virilia, Virility, and Visectomy. More.
One Acts:
(1w, 2m)Mr. Toland's divorce clinic offers complete and total separation and un-entwining of every aspect of your relationship. And the best part is, you don't even have to be married to utilize it.
High As a Bite
(2 char / flexible)Binger and JoJo are bored. So, obviously, they decide to recreationally self medicate with high-grade rattlesnake venom.
(3m)Quinn is heartbroken, but it’s ok cause Brian and Stu are going to cheer him up the only way they know how: By behaving horrendously.
(3m)Quinn and Stu hold hidden secret feelings that they keep to just themselves about Brian's girlfriend. But they can't quite manage to keep them hidden, secret, or just to themselves.
(1m)Jacob is lazy and good for nothing. Well, Jacob was lazy and good for nothing. But then he got hungry for Chinese food.
(1w,2m)Nick is the writer of menu descriptions for several chain restaurants, despite the constant harassment he receives from his cynical older brother Neil. When Nick meets a mysterious woman with an even more mysterious job offer, he confronts the questionable virtue of making something bad sound good...and one very strange office appliance.
Sam Patch and Such is Fame
(3m)On September 30th, 1827 a textile worker in Paterson, NJ jumped off the Passaic Falls, just to prove that he could. This play examines the great American curse of the obsession with fame through the true story of its very first victim.
(2m)FACT: It is possible to have an exact tie of the 538 votes in the electoral college. FACT: A small number of the voters in the electoral college are not legally bound to vote for the candidate their district does.
FACT: That has the potential to really screw shit up.
Room Number One
(3m)Adam has died. He’s not in heaven, he’s not in hell, but he is in the first room. With Pete. Who has some grievances to air.
Platinum Never Die
(1w, 2m)Mr. Toland’s funeral home offers several state-of-the-art, cutting edge features, such as loved one interactive screensavers, replicants, and the option of never having to ever die ever.
39 Hemlock
(3m)Frog’s hungry. Kai’s ordered pizza. Smith just wants to leave. Something’s going on between these three, and something’s about to go down…though it won’t be clear what until it’s too late.
Ten Minutes:
20 of Em
(1m + small ensemble)A simple linguistic misunderstanding and joke gone wrong lead from a coffee shop to courtroom, then to a state penitentiary and funeral parlor, teaching us the important lesson that no one should ever make jokes about anything ever.
Residence Life Guards
(2w, 2m, 1 bear)In the student handbook, Chapter 3 Residence Life, Section 4, Policies and Procedures, Subsection W, Pets, reads "No Pets are permitted in the dormitories with the exception of any animal that lives under water for more than a minute and a half". This of course was designed as an easy to follow guideline. But some perspective students have been reading into it as a challenge.
(1w,1m)The classic story. Boy meets girl. Girl has a box full of squirrels.
An Introduction to Money
(2w)What is money? Who is it for? And how can it be used? Well, don’t worry, Danni and Lis will tell you in this ten minute introductory seminar. But not for free.
Pavlov was an Asshole
(1w,1m)Will and Jessica were having a physically romantic evening. Which was nice. But then Will called Jessica “Natalie”. Which wasn’t nice.
(1w,1m)Clint and Laurie’s relationship is about to hinge on the strangest of things, in this dramatic comedy about things that really shouldn’t be joked about.
Bottles, Barrels and
The Slow Crawl Toward Last Call
(2m)Closing time’s always tough. Especially when you’re getting held up.
The Issue with Fell Swoops
(3m)Even executioners manning a guillotine can have a bad day at the office.
Right of the Decimal
(1w,2m)Wouldn’t dating be easier if we were all pre-assigned a number from one to ten assessing our worth? No. Probably not.
Existence and the Public Library
(1w,1m)Mindy goes to the library. Stan works at the library. Mindy loves the library. Stan hates the library with every single living fiber of his entire being. Could this be the foundation of a healthy relationship?
Zoe and Monica Might Go to the Bar
(2w)Zoe put on her good pants and Monica wishes she had good pants. They might go out, but they don’t even know.
(2m)In another life, Billy and Jon might be friends. But not in this life, because Jon’s brother killed Billy’s brother.
The Thing with the Cosmos
(2m)Sometimes the only way to make sure something unlikely won’t happen is to guarantee that it will.
(3m)The morning after a party always poses the same questions. How much did we drink? When did we leave? …What was that thing we locked in the closet?
Private Displays of Affection
(1w, 1m)In a dorm room, Gary clumsily tries to propose a game with unusually high stakes. Kara just wants to watch TV. If a debate is really good, there are no winners.
Crocodile Tears
(1w,1m)Buzz runs a bar. Terry drinks at a bar. And that’s just about that.
(2m)Vinnie is dead. Vinnie, an irredeemable bastard who Lapper and Geezo hated with every fiber in their being, is dead…except the obituary in the paper tells a different story.
The Dangers of Human Interaction
(1w, 2m)There are rules to venturing out alone into the world. The
first (and most ignored), is mind your own business.
Impression #0001
(1w,1m)Nicole and Evan speak for the very first time on their very first date, but the first thing that comes into their minds is the last thing they should say.
A Brief Synopsis of the History of All Human Communication
(2w,1m)From a caveman’s first syllable to the fast lane on the information super highway, Danni and Lis take us on the roller coaster of technological advancement…and like all roller coaster rides, we wind up right back where we started.
We'll See Tomorrow
(1w,1m)There’s been an accident off the coast, The Marine Science Institute is all but deserted, Louise has been up all night, and Andy’s just the repairman who doesn’t even want to be there. And the sea turtles have dropped completely off the radar.
Plays For High School Students and Young Folks:
The Alphabet Circuit
(5w,9m –flexible casting)Seven two-character comedies detailing both the real and ludicrous academic and social challenges a group of high school students face.
(2w, 2m)Commissioned for the Montclair State University's School of the Arts, Tuesdays follows four high school seniors cutting class in their senior lounge on an average Tuesday morning. Which quickly turns not so average, as the morning is Tuesday September 11th, 2001.
ASAP's Fables
(7w,12m –flexible casting)Modern and twisted adaptations and interpretations of eight seldom heard Aesop's fables, updated to themes such as college prep, pranks gone awry, student council, candy sales, birthday parties and cell phone upgrades.
Bomb Threat Day:
Written for the students of The Contagious DramaWorkshop, Bomb Threat Day follows ten high schoolstudents through a peculiar 24 hours of their lives. Taking place one day after school and before class the next
morning, Bomb Threat Day is a series of conversations detailing and unraveling mystery and investigating what’s funny and what’s not, and how teens that don’t take anything seriously can deal with being forced to live in a serious world.