December 6-8 (new dates per weather postponement)
Tickets Available Here 360 Hamilton Street, Rahway NJ [map]
"Mr. Clawson's dialogue is tragicomic gold… smart synthesis of dour absurdism and absurdly good humor reveals itself capable of carrying warmth with ease."
Local East Village, New York Times
"[A] lively and ambitious new play."
"Seeing the discussions we often have in our heads played out on stage is a fun concept."
The Village Voice
Praise for StrangeDog and Company Members
"Starting a new theater company certainly isn't an easy proposition, so how is StrangeDog Theatre managing to make it look effortless?"
Peter Filichia, The Star-Ledger(Bootstraps)
"A worthy historical drama…
with a surprising amount of grim comedy."
Michael Sommers, The New York Times
(on Ben Clawson's The Dangers of Electric Lighting)
"New Jersey's most promising playwright is coming along quite nicely… [He] has a little Sam Shepard in him, and a lot of Martin McDonagh, too. Best of all though, he has plenty of Ben Clawson."
The Star-Ledger (Omnivores)
© 2008 - | the StrangeDog Theatre Company.